
Battambang Administration

Laang Teak Traing​ in Battambang

Laang Teak Traing is located in the area of Phnom Teak Traing Mountain, approximately 41 km from Battambang Provincial Hall.

We can travel there to Phnom Teak Traing from the provincial town of Battambang on Road No. 57. When we reach Kilo 37 Village, Treng Commune, Rottanak Mondul District, we turn right and travel 3 km further, and will arrive at Phnom Teak Traing which is in Kilo 38 Village, Treng Commune, Rottanak Mondul District.It is a cave which has always been there, and no one is able to determine how long it has been there. It is in its natural shape.

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